Building resilient economies where nature and people thrive.

Empowering Sustainable Decisions

Application Features
Our platform simplifies ESG management and enhances decision-making.

Integrate and Measure

Combine open data with internal metrics to evaluate ESG impacts accurately.

Drive Sustainable Actions

Identify and promote sustainable practices within your supply chain.

Inform Decisions

Rapidly access and analyze data for strategic decision-making.

Compliance and Reporting

Ensure compliance with ESG standards and effectively communicate your impact. is your business and sustainability GPS

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We combine open data and internal data to inform quick, impactful ESG decisions for companies and their suppliers.

IUS.Earth: Innovating for a Sustainable Future

Our actions are endangering the natural ecosystems that sustain us. Current protective measures are insufficient.

US.Earth offers a new approach, blending regeneration, collaboration, business, data, and wisdom. Let’s create a sustainable future together.



“If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don't bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.”

― Richard Buckminster Fuller ​

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